Wash Up! w/Counterstrike

Hudba / taneční zábava

Město: České Budějovice

Datum: 27.01.2017 od 21:00 hod.

Místo: Komiks klub, Kněžská 372/12, Ceské Budějovice

Cena: 100


 ► Wash up! 27.1.2017 !!!

★ COUNTERSTRIKE ★ (Algorythm, Moving Shadow, Hollowpoint, Rottun, PRSPCT, Barcode, Human, Freak)

Tactical, international, sensational and confrontational: no dark bass study would be complete without paying serious attention to Counterstrike. Renowned for smelting genres and pushing performance techniques to their limits, they are respected from the deepest, darkest, most discerning corners of the underground right up to some of the biggest labels in electronic music.

Decorated in every aspect of the industry, this unique London/Prague-based partnership has excelled as producers, performers, promoters and label owners since the late 90s. They currently boast over 100 releases on labels as rich and diverse as Dim Mak and Moving Shadow. Many of these releases have achieved Beatport D&B Top 10 and Beatport Main Top 20 status and have enjoyed full support from respected taste makers such as Mary Anne Hobbs, Black Sun Empire, Tech Itch, Dieselboy and John B.

This year alone they’ve torn up dancefloors in over 15 different countries from Russia to Greece to Mexico. As the founders of Algorythm Recordings and Counterstrike Recordings, they’ve hosted label parties across Europe to South Africa and signed material from some of the most ground-breaking, agenda-setting artists in action such as Audio, Limewax and The Panacea. Just like their own material, no releases on their labels go by without denting the download charts.

To understand this ever-increasing list of conquests and achievements, it’s wise to understand a little about their inspiration and determination: In 1995 Justin Scholtmeyer made a pilgrimage to London from his home base in Cape Town after hearing a jungle mixtape. Heading straight for the source, he landed a job at London’s most revered club The End where he became anointed by the stark sermons of Renegade Hardware. Exporting mixtapes back to his long-standing partner in grime Eaton Crous, a London/Cape Town pact was founded. When Justin returned to Cape Town, the duo established Homegrown. Heralded as the birthplace of South African drum & bass, their parties attained church-like status during its 100 party, 10 year lifetime where genre-defining guests were welcome from all corners, from Pendulum to Dieselboy to Camo & Krooked.


► Support Djs:
★ Syndrome
★ Thinngy
★ Dirty Boy

Více o akci Wash Up! w/Counterstrike na webu akce

V budějovickém Výměníku1 vás naučí romské písně a tance

 Podruhé přijedou do Českých Budějovic dva romští hudebníci - slovenský zpěvák a tanečník Oto Bunda a skvělý kytarista a antropolog Jan Dužda z České Republiky. V multikulturním prostoru Výměník1 povedou workshop romských písní, kde si zúčastnění nejen zazpívají, ale také zatančí. Účastníci workshopu se naučí několik vícehlasých písní, bude prostor také na debatu o romské hudbě, kultuře a soužití Romů s majoritou. Zároveň se naučí několik základních tanečních kroků. Vítán je každý - bez ohledu na předchozí zkušenosti nebo věk. Kurz se koná od pátku 14. do neděle 16. března vždy od 18 hodin. Registrace na workshop probíhá u Terezy Koutské - koutska.t@gmail.com. (dap)

Mohlo by se vám zamlouvat



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